Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas Time is Here...

I love this time of year. Everything about it. As a kid, I counted down the days until Christmas with so much excitement and anticipation. Now, I'm not quite so energetic about it, but there's still a huge part of me that looks forward to it. I think it's because all of the amazing memories I have from Christmases past. I love my parents' house at Christmas. This is what it looks like:

My mom usually has a huge pot of cranberry tea on the stove and cookies in the oven. Mom and I usually play songs on the piano, and there is always a fat gray cat that will sit in any lap that will let her. I don't hardly care about gifts anymore. I just enjoy the peaceful time with the family I don't get to see as often as I'd like.

When K's parents still lived in Canadian, he would pick me up on Christmas eve after I had opened gifts with my family, and we would load all of our gifts to each other in his truck and go down to the duck ponds. It was usually snowing, and we would open gifts. It sounds simple, but it was so awesome. Now that we have our own place, we usually do Christmas here before we split to go our separate ways for a few days. I'm not willing to give up my favorite holiday with my family, and I wouldn't ask him to give up his Christmas since he never gets to see his parents. It kills me to be apart, but I'm not willing to change that yet. I'm just looking forward to the day when we have a big enough house so we can tell everyone that we're staying there, and if they want to see us, they have to come to our place.

Thankfully, we both have this week off, so we're cuddled up, trying to stay warm, and just enjoying a little time without much to do. We may do a little last-minute shopping tomorrow. Christmas is so wonderful!

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